Immediate free mp3 download of Bird what do you see (or just about any other format you could possibly desire.) Purchasable with gift card Asking a bird some questions... released October 10, 2010
Farmers Wall by John Cloud Kaiser, released 22 September 2018
When the maps are all gone we all need a little heaven today. All Freestyle! Subscribe to our weekly show. Improvisational Art and Music in NYC Underground
Immediate free download of Camping in the City in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. Purchasable with gift card This song is about a period of my life when I tried to live as if I was camping in my apartment in the city.
Immediate free mp3 download of Justice, she (or just about any other format you could possibly desire.) Purchasable with gift card This song about trying out county living and natures justice was recorded with my friend Forrest Gray... released October 10, 2010
Immediate free mp3 download of Robot Locker (or just about any other format you could possibly desire.) Purchasable with gift card This song about a robot was recorded with my friends The Rockadiles... released October 10, 2010
Immediate free mp3 download of I'll never give in (or just about any other format you could possibly desire.) Purchasable with gift card This gentle battle cry was recorded with my band "The Freestyle Family Orchestra" - Greg VandeHey and Aaron Redlin... released October 11, 2010
John Cloud and the Freestyle Family Orchestra freestyling in Brooklyn! I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Greg saw a saw and played it while John sang.
MAGICAL ISLAND by Kaiser and Pederson by John Cloud Kaiser, released 10 October 2018 1. Magical Island: Act 1 - An Island Rises From The Sea 2. Magical Island: Act 2 - Meet Ben and John 3. Magical Island: Act 3 - The plot of Lt. Rick and Gustaf 4.